Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why Wait For Valentine's Day (Frebruary 14), What Is It About?

The question is what is love?
I know many dictionaries defines it as a great affection and feeling of liking something or something, some books may even go to the extent of telling that there are different types of love which may include:

1. Agape — Unconditional Love. First, we have agape love. ...
2. Eros — Romanic Love. ...
3. Philia — Affectionate Love. ...
4. Philautia — Self-love. ...
5. Storge — Familiar Love. ...
6. Pragma — Enduring Love. ...
7. Ludus — Playful Love. ...
8. Mania — Obsessive Love.

There is no doubt that love is a feeling, it is not just a feeling, it's a feeling accompanied with care. You can't say you love someone or something without putting the need of that person above yours. Let's take for example, the love a mother has for her child, if the child is crying the mother will become restless neglecting everything she needs and try to seek for the solution to the need of that baby.
Love is like a Habit, it can be learned and unlearned, our first love is our mother, we grow to love her because in our early stage of life, her face is the face that we see frequently, trust will eventually develop because in times of our primary needs, she carter for them. Eventually you will learn how to love, love without conscience (motivation deriving from ethical or moral that governs a person's thoughts and actions) is not complete. Conscience on the other hand is not born within, it's learnt, take for instance a child carry's a stone so as to throw it hard on someone, on seeing this by the parent, she can scold on him amicably giving him reasons why he shouldn't do such.

The greatest love is the love of a mother, I've not seen a mother telling her child I love you but deep down we know she cares, she love’s us whole heartedly, this love is seen and noticed through her actions. Most kids hate their parent having it in mind that, their parents are depriving denying them of their freedom.....Well we will leave this aspect for another post.

Why wait for Valentine Day (February 14) before we express or show that we care?
It really baffles seeing Couples, Spouse, Boyfriend and Girlfriends waiting for Valentine to show how important that partners are, exchanging gifts and all that. You must not wait for Valentine’s day to show how important he or she is, instead makes him or her feel loved everyday, care for him or her without selfish interest. I know many ladies today will offer their body to their boyfriends thinking that offering sex is the proof for true love. Many crazy guys as well will want to have sex today with their girlfriends they newly met, they will be like "If you really love me, proof it". What will happen if you both get old and can’t perform in the bed, how will you prove your love for him? I'll say this over and over again, sex is not the proof of being loved.
"FOR GUYS" Let's remove the aspect sexual intercourse and romance from your relationship, can you have a normal conversation with her? Do you still care for her? Do you still feel that bond between you too? Just think of what attracted you to her, is it her shape, her beauty, her curves? Bear in mind those things will wear off with time, the best way to create a good relationship is to......I'll leave this for another post, I'm deviating a lot.

"FOR LADIES: I know you all do have this saying " I need a man who can take care of me ". Are you really sure that is what you really mean or you mean to say " I need a man that can take me out for shopping, vacations and all the fancy things you can think about"? If he could not meet up to your request, he does not love you, if he could not take you out just like the way Mr. A is taking he's fiancée out, he does not love’s. You don't really have to deceive yourself. Let's remove monetary aspect from your relationship, what really attracted you to him? Do you really care for him? Do you see your future with him? Can you still love him knowing his flaws?
Be with someone who accepts you for who you are, who care for you without saying the words "I LOVE YOU". Someone who does not ask you in the first date to prove your love for him with sex, someone you can talk to without getting bored (at times conversations get boring its normal), Be with someone who does not care about your past but believes in your future, someone who does not remind you of your ugly past. Make your spouse your best friend and bear in mind, sex or shopping/other related things is not a proof for love.

Have you ever asked yourself why love is associated with red? it is because it involves lot of sacrifices, if you can't meet up with the sacrifices, suchlas to choose the happiness of whom you love over the other, you definitely do not love but something close to it.

The funny thing is that we don't know who is for real these days, everyone disguises as God sent. Devils and being love cox angels are riddled with scares.
Do you know why there are many there are many breakup and family drama today? This will be discussed in our next post. Stay tuned.
#Odomero Cares.


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